Monday, September 7, 2009

my dream is to alway be able to photograph the monents in life.

Cedar is so sweet to her cousins!

i absolutely love when little kids get bored and just brake out in to song and dance.

trevor is so good with the cousins and a just love him to death. and i love the real smile. this picture is one of my favorites.

ivy is such a cutie!

this is malik. (all these pictures are from when we were waiting at the salt lake temple for ryan and chelsea's wedding) i love all the colors that are at the temple.

jorie is such a cute little girl.

ok taking pictures is my favorite thing to do. i like to capture the good monents in life. :)


  1. dude!... lol i think this is the first time i have heard you say dude this many times. but that you! i like them too.
