Tuesday, September 8, 2009

teachers: DEEP subject for me

to me a teacher should be a person that is there to help you when you don't understand something. if you were really trying to understand something and just didn't get it you would think if you asked nicely you would get help. don't get me wrong because there are ALOT of teachers out there that are simply amazing and you leave their class every day feeling like your on top of the world because you have that support that makes you know that you are going to be able to make it. but heaven forbid the teacher of the hardest class i have just says, "you should know this by now, brinlee, your a jr. in high school. come on you know how to do it i promise. just read the chapter again." ok honestly i HATE reading text books. there is no point at all in reading text books. they are just a waste of paper. i can't read text books to save my life. that is why i listen in class and try my best... there is my problem..but im just sayin


  1. dude-sup? Ya okay? Luv yer gutz...

  2. WOW, good,keep on going all I can say to all posting.... You go girl.....
